It's just another dirty trick. The idea is to lay the "Liberal Media" accusations on heavy, which puts undue pressure on media outlets who are concerned about appearing fair to not report in a way that might be perceived as "too Liberal". In the meantime, all the conservative media sources (which are most of them, including the most viewed news source in America Fox News) lay it on without reservation. It's a pretty good racket. The net effect is that there is no Liberal Media. That's the way they want it. Even news sources like NPR are nearly centrist in their rabid avoidance of airing too Liberal viewpoints. They do so to retain credibility, which is understandable but sad that they can be manipulated in such a way.
Here's the simple fact: ClearChannel which controls nearly all radio, and Fox News -- which controls over 85% of the market for broadcast news -- are undeniably and unabashedly Conservative. There really isn't much more to discuss. I'm sorry, but the Op/Ed section of one single newspaper (New York Times) is not enough to support the farce of Liberal Media. For every major news source you can claim is Liberal, I will point out two that are Conservative.
The rank and file Republicans just repeat the "Liberal Media" mantra because Rush and the other talking heads speak it as if it were truth. Most Republicans can't (and don't want to) think for themselves. Rush or Anne says it, it's true.
Last edited by Nizzle; 02-16-2004 at 09:42 PM..