Originally posted by grayman
I agree that both these films have stunning performances in them, but the first is far superior. Guess what, your list of big names for the second film is one longer than the first, and it sucked.
Well, first of all, I disagree that the second one sucked. But that's a matter of subjective opinion, we'll never solve that one. Compared to Batman Forever, it was a work of genius. (I can't comment on Batman and Robin because I've never seen it, mostly because of what I've heard about it).
The more stars you have on screen competing for time, the worse the film. Nicholson was the star of the first film.
I take your point on Nicholson. I don't know that I necessarily agree that the more stars you have, the worse the film, although I could be persuaded.
It strikes me that a lot of films these days get fairly big names in to play supporting roles. I guess it adds credibility to an actor's CV... specific examples escape me, however.
Anyway, Lando Calrissian was in the first movie, so now the list's even.