Cinderella & Her Pumpkin
Cinderella wants to go to the ball, but her wicked stepsisters will not let her. Her fairy Godmother appears and will let her go, but only if she wears a magic diaphram.
"You must be back home before 2:00 am or your diaphram will turn into a pumpkin," warns fairy Godmother.
She agrees and goes to the ball.
About 5:00 am Cinderella comed staggering home, looking haggered and very satisfied. "What is going on here?" asks her fairy Godmother. "Your diaphram should have turned into a pumpkin 3 hours ago!"
"I met a Prince." answers Cinderella.
"What is his name, because I know of no Prince with powers that will defeat my magic." replys fairy Godmother.
Cinderella answers, "I don't quite remember his whole name... it was Peter, Peter, something, something."