Sure there is a difference, but most people fall around a norm that says if you eat only a certain amount of calories you will lose weight. The more you weigh, the more calories you can eat and still lose weight. This is just due to the normal tendency of the body to chew up more calories based on your size.
Metabolish generally starts off slow, peaks in the late afternoon and tends to die off during the day. To burn more calories, it is a good idea to eat at least something for breakfast (even if it is just a 50 cal snack). It helps jump start your metabolism earlier and gets the body working on fat stores. By the same reasoning, it is a bad idea to eat stuff late in the day as your metabolism is already low and will be lower when you sleep. I eat a small snack for breakast, eat a fairly large lunch and then a pretty small dinner with a snack around 7 pm.
As for larger people eating what they think is a normal amount of food (and it being too much), this is also perfectly normal. Some of this is just out of habit. I used to eat till I was full quite often. As a consequence, I gained about 50 lbs over the last 4 years. It was only when I went on Weight Watchers that put a point value for food down that I could start to gauge what I could eat and lose weight. The first 6 weeks were hell as my body was often sending me starving messages although I wasn't physically weak. As I got used to eating less, these feelings subsided quite a bit. I still feel hungry on occasion, but I'm much better able to control it through proper diet and excercise (which reduces my hungry feelings). As a consequence, I have lose 74 lbs at the moment with 6 more to go to hit my Weight Watcher's goal weight.