-im a tough grader

Along Came Polly- 7+/10 It was quite good actually. Ben Stiller is still running along just fine since things like Zoolander. I'd say that Meet the Parents was his worst, then Along Came Polly. When I say worst, I mean that they were all good but in terms of being my least favorite behind films like Tennenbaums and Zoolander.
Intolerable Cruelty- 8.5/10 Very good movie! It came out when I was in London for a semester and I was really confused to see the Coen brothers, who I love, making a romantic movie. I figured I'd see it sooner or or later so I skipped it in the theater. The humor was totally Coen-like. Very subtle. Jones and Clooney were both good, Clooney having his same O'Brother acting humor. The story was good too. After seeing Lost in Translation and the ending of Mistic River, I don't see why this movie wasn't at least nominated for best picture. I'm not saying that it is generally best picture material, but compared to other recent films, it was very well rounded, had a good story, was funny throughout, and didn't have a shitty ending. I don't need a climax (as seen in Lost In Translation) but I feel movies recently only touch on some good ideas and humor and don't carry the weight throughout. This film did so very well. Didn't take on more than it could carry and executed it perfectly.