All statistics aside on how many actually died. I'm an American, but have studdied this battle in depth.
The reason it was such a big deal to Australia was not the numbers that died, but the percentage of the entire Australian population. The French could lose a couple thousand and not wince, while Australia lost the majority of its entire army... in one battle.
I wont go into depth why the battle didnt work to the allied hands, I could talk all day.
The one thing I feel obligated to mension is the lessons learned. Those that died in this battle caught the attention of the entire world, everyone analized where it went wronge, especially the US. So that when the now hallowed beaches of Normandy, Guadalcanal, Okinowa, Iwo Jima, and the dozens of other beaches taken with extreamly heavy casualties we did not faulter. So dont be quick to write off the faults in numbers, those are inconsiquencial when it comes to the impact it had.