K. My character (as it almost always is) is Matt. He is unable to control his transformations, they just happen when he is overcome with good or evil. He is an 18 year old human who has been an orphan his whole life. He was never taken to an orphanage so he grew up scavenging for food in villages or living off of the woods.
For good (generally brought about when his friends are in danger and he wants to protect them), he becomes a huge white werewolf who is strong and fluid graceful motions. There is a strange sense of gentleness about him that makes people quite comfortable around him in spite his fearsome experience. He can smell and hear for miles around, the tiniest scent or sound.
The evil transformation (generally brought about by anger) makes him become a werecat. His coat is deep black like a panther's and his appearance is so fearsome that it would take an extraordianry person to attack him if not first attacked. Think speed, speed, and more speed. This guy can really move. He can see through pitch black.
Last edited by Amarth; 02-16-2004 at 11:41 AM..