A case of witnesses (on both sides?) claiming they saw something that justifies their point of view? We tell this same story several times a year here in the States. It usually turns out to be not quite as benign as one side says, nor as malignant as the other one says. The truth usually lies between the two stories.
Do any reports speak about what the young man was doing that attracted the attention of the police? Or are the police claiming that the kid just started fleeing for no due cause? Has there been a history of tension between that particular community and the police... that is ... above and beyond the white vs aborigine animosity.
Many communities are powder kegs waiting for a spark. Detroit in 1967 was ready to burn, and used a few arrests at an after-hours club as an excuse. Just about every major city (and a lot of small ones) in the United States could tell just about the same story.
You stated it yourself: a new approach is needed. But answering violence with violence won't solve anything. Are you going to lock up an entire town?
Anger is a legitimate reaction, but it's going to require cool heads on both sides to get past this incident and address the underlying problems of the racial divisiveness.
"Regret can be a harder pill to swallow than failure .With failure you at least know you gave it a chance..." David Howard