before you post your next reply, i want you to actually spend a little time letting us know what your beleifs are and why you feel the way you do... so far all you've done is spout ideoligies, now back them up with some kind of reason behind it or kindly stfu.
Honestly, for being put up on a cross for merely questioning homosexuality, I'm a little hesitant to get more personal. If you do not wish to participate in this, I would not be adverse to it.
So you could reframe your original question in terms of "Should contraception be considered more "okay" than pedophilia"?
It would not be on the same level.
The fact of the matter is Homosexuality is more okay, simply because of the fact that if a man has sex with a man, he hurts NO ONE.
Whereas, if a pedophile acts on it, he causes significant psychological damage to the child, and can potentially ruin the rest of their lives.
THAT is what makes the two different.
Okay, but now that I've gone back and edited the original post, perhaps you could reconsider.