Originally posted by filtherton
I think the logic is that a $100 speeding ticket amounts to a mosquito bite to your average rich person, while it can mean groceries for the average poor person. This is an effort to make the punishment more equal.
How many speeding tickets could you afford to get if you were worth millions of dollars?
This has nothing to do with jailtime. This has to do with wealthy people being able to afford ignoring traffic laws.
The important lesson in all of this is: Don't get caught speeding.
So? Rich people have a much easier time paying for food, utilities, etc., than the rest of us too. Like I said before, that's just part of being rich. And if you get enough tickets, you get your license revoked and/or your insurance dropped no matter how much money you have.
Punishments are supposed to be proportional to the crime--not how much of an impact it supposedly has on the offender. Unless of course you'd like to let any agoraphobic rapists and murderers out of their nice cozy jail cells.
Hell, just to play devil's advocate, how about we jack up speeding tickets on poor people? A new BMW is a lot safer going 30 over than a 20 year old pickup truck.