Originally posted by dy156
I dip tobacco, and have for about 7 years.
How serious is the risk of lip cancer?
You sure don't hear about it as much as lung cancer, and I know alot of old men that have chewed tobacco for years with no real affects. A friend of mine talked to a doctor that dipped, and he relayed to me that it was pretty much okay as long as you didn't do it all the time, and that it was more a matter of having something between your cheek and gum all the time than having tobacco in your mouth.
As long as my gums aren't receeding, will I be okay?
What were you told in dental school?
P.S. I haven't been to a dentist for a couple of years, but was okay at that time, and the dentist didn't ask me if I dipped.
Cancer of the cheek, gingiva, lip, and tongue are all common and are not fun. The survival rate of oral squamous cell carcinoma (the most common form of oral cancer) is not high.
And survival is not fun either. You should see people who've had half their jaw/face resected because of oral cancer.
Check out these sites and hopefully get scared enough to quit.