Originally posted by SpikeQX99
By the way, if Benoit wins the title at WMXX... God save us all. A champ that can fight his ass off, but has like zero mic skills and charisma. WWE needs more wrestlers like that, just go out every match and bust ass, and never have to cut an interview. It just isn't in Benoit's repetoire to be good on the mic.
I think that made sense.
It made sense to me, Spike. I think if the WWE really emphasized Benoit's "shutup and fight" attitude, it can really blow up huge. I think fans already see it, but he hasn't been given enough time on screen to really peak their interest. Possibly give him more time in his matches?
I think he would have to cut an interview occasionally, but really only for something important. The rest of his promos should consist of somebody calling him out, and he making them tap instantly. Just by staring at him! Sure beats the 15 minute verbal masterbation that HHH and other guys do nowadays. Maybe if they actually had something INTERESTING to say, it wouldn't be so bad. Showboating (sp?) and theater are great, but there has to be a PURPOSE, dammit!