Originally posted by Plan9
I slightly know what I am talking about when it comes to bodyfat and how to accurately test it.
Save the $50 on a water test and spend $12 on some calipers that you can use forever. The caliper's accuracy is withing 1 percent of underwater weighing results.
As do I know what I am talking about considering I have done all said methods. My body comp is about the LEAST accurate because it doesn't take into acount muscle size for very large body builders. Calipers are SH!T for people that have lost A TON of weight because they still store a moderate amount of fat still in their belly even at 19%bf and it will NOT be accurate because their arms and legs will be very lean (in my case so I am speaking from experience).
Scales are not so bad, but here is a test. Get on your scale and do the test then drink a glass of water then test again. It will change..sh!t, just brushing your teeth will make the value change. But either way it doesn't matter as long as you do it first thing in the morning same time and then you can get a good estimate.
As for the calipers again, they have to be done in the exact same place the exact same way or the results will be inacurate.
BTW, do you have any suggestions for personal trainer certifications? I was thinking about ACE and ISSA. ISSA being my cert of choice because I want to get a youth cert so I can work with children.
Feel free to "SHE BANG" everything I just said, but I speak from experience too, and I know for a fact hydrostatic testing is the most accurate method.