Keeryste!!! Nice shootin'. It appears that they did get the poor bastard, though...finally. Lucky he wasn't 6 inches to the right on that leap. Watch the slow-mo. He would have taken that guy's head off.
Now I'm a hunter, but this video made me kind of sick. You see I hunt deer and I kill deer, usually with one shot. I dress the deer myself and have it butchered and put its meat in my freezer. I just don't understand the need to exercise human dominance over a fellow predator by blowing him to f***ing kingdom come.
This wasn't as bad as another video of a 'canned' hunt I've seen. A black panther, I think, on a ranch in Texas. In a 3x3x6 foot cage. The mighty hunter walks up, puts the rifle barrel through the cage bars, and pulls the trigger. Class.
No wonder hunting gets a bad rap.
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