Originally posted by BoCo
Bill O'Reilly rocks!
Thanks for the article, sixate.
The sole reason Clinton won't ever appear on O'Reilly's show is because he knows he doesn't stand a chance against him. No one but O'Reilly would ever ask Clinton the questions he needs to give us answers to, and since Clinton doesn't think he should have to answer to anyone, he'll never allow O'Reilly to confront him.
OK...but when you think about it. No one stands a chance against him! OH YA HE ROCKS!!! If you have an opposing stance againts Bill Reilly, going on his show serves one purpose: to further outline his one sided point of view.
its not that all of his issues are terrible, he may have some good points, but when he blatantly twists his guests words around(while obviously doing so) to make them seem stupid, it pisses me off. You know he does that too because half of the time the guest goes "thats not what im saying"..then he ends the discussion with a commercial, or some lame tactic along those lines. Thats when i change the channel and wonder why i was even watching fox in the first place...it just draws you in man.
Someone that is an O'Reilly supporter please agree with me when i say HE IS NOT fair sometimes. (well most of the time) You know it. Just say it.