O'Reilly shows signs of intelligence, but when he refuses to listen to the other side, as he apparently did in the conversation with Glick, he looks ridiculous. It's amazing how he corrects Glick on something about his own family! Who would know Glick's father better??? O'Reilly? Or Glick??
Stay strong to your beliefs, but if you become so inflexible that you refuse to listen, you tend to look much less intelligent than you actually are. O'Reilly is not dumb, just stubborn...and sometimes it's very easy to confuse the two.
Why must he take a dissenting opinion as a personal affront to him??? A difference of opinion need not be an attack on someone else's beliefs. We're different people. What's wrong with that?
O'Reilly claims to be the home of the "No Spin Zone" and many times that is true, but if you refuse to listen to a reasonable argument by someone who doesn't always agree with you, how can that be considered anything but a spin?
I am constantly amazed at the anger associated with political debate. Don't let rage enter in....or the facts will soon go out.
My mom is a Diamondbacks fan. She really likes the Big Unit