There is an old adage frequently quoted by car guys: "If its got tits or wheels, it will cause you trouble." You'll hear it in the parts stores and garages of American, generally when there are no women around. The sentiment arises from the basic fact that men have never been able to step up and admit that their problems are a direct result of their own behavior. Men would rather start a war and burn down half a continent than say, "oops, sorry, I made a mistake."
Both women and automobiles bring a great deal of pleasure, as well as utility value, to a man's life. As with anything, care and maintenance are required to keep them treating you well. If you have chosen a good one, both your woman and your car will be joy to maintain both mechanically and cosmetically. I particularly enjoy a good wash and wax on a Saturday afternoon. Cleaning the car can be fun, too. The problems start when the basic maintenance is ignored, rough or negligent treatment dished out and needed repairs ignored.
With the right car in your life, you must still change your fluids, belts and hoses, brakes, wiper blades etc, on a regular basis. These are not "problems." These are your duties to the vehicle. Trouble comes, most often, as a result of neglect or abuse (not neccessarilly intentional). Outside of normal wear and tear, severe trauma must be inflicted to make an automobile component fail. The same can be said for your relationship with your woman.
The right woman will respond well to caring treatment. Kind words and sincere attentiveness will foster kindness and generousity in return. Neglect or mistreatment, intended or not, will erode this good will and trouble begins. Naturally, most men will point at the woman as the source of the problem, rather than a victim. Even men with great relationships can be heard griping, at times.
I'm not claiming that all cars, and women , are great and wonderful and deserving of all of our love, devotion and attention. The reality is that there are real "lemons" out there. These are the individuals with defective components, right out of the factory. You can't always spot the defect until well into the relationship. In these circumstances, it's best to cut your losses and get out from under the baggage as soon as possible. But true "lemons" are few and far between. The majority of men's claims of lemons are actually cases of the man's own poor judgement.
If you buy a car because it's "cool," or you are desparate for some transportation, then have breakdown after breakdown, you have victimized yourself. You should never have been in the relationship to begin with. same with your choices of women. If you fear loneliness, or are attracted to a pretty outside shell, and then have an unhappy relationship, you have yourself to blame.
Tits and wheels are wonderful things. They make life fun and interesting. They serve important purposes in men's lives. It is our choices and behavior that determine whether tits and wheels will cause trouble.
"Regret can be a harder pill to swallow than failure .With failure you at least know you gave it a chance..." David Howard