When I saw this thread yesterday I passed it over, thinking it was gonna be about Slim Jim's, or something. Y'know "beef lips", "hog snouts" and other such yummies. Now...well, now I wish I hadn't. This has got to be one of the funniest threads out there. Not for content matter so much, although that's funny in its own right, but the comments...damn, I don't know when I've ever laughed so hard. Nikki, that was absolutely priceless. Pssst...I mighta substituted "cock" with "scrotum", though. We guys are pretty sensitive about that.
Now... Jardon. If you have lucked out enough to get yourself a girlfriend that you don't have to inflate, then you can probably consider yourself very well blessed. "roast beef lips" should be the very least of your concerns. I don't know who you've been talking to, to get your "sexual information", but take my advice and find another source. With one single 107 word post, you've managed to set the rest of the men in here back about 30 years of evolution. Take a little advice, my friend. Buy yourself a "How-To" book. And not a Penthouse, either.