Now, this is not meant to start a war...
Flexbeta has created a list of 13 reasons to use Firefox over IE. I didn't put this in the original FireFox thread as I thought this would reach more IE users.
Links are below, but the reasons are:
Popup Blocking
Download Manager
Tab Browsing
Integrated Search Engine
Page Info
Faster Response
Keeps HTML Formatting
Open Source Advantage
Cleaner Interface
Smaller Download
Block Images
The site goes into more detail on why it's better (in it's opinion).
Ironicially, the "Keeps HTML Formatting" part of the page doesn't seem to be formatted correctly for me (in Firebird 0.7 on Gentoo Linux). The "Text That Was Copied" line is on top of the first line of text.
Anyways, on with the links!
13 Reasons To Use Firefox Over IE [flexbeta]
FireFox Website
To read more on FireFox, check out the
related link.