I didnt really like the choices for votes since the one I'd like to choose is mid-way between two of them.
I voted: I read the post. You're lying. I still hate Real.
I dont want to say you are lying, but I want to say from my own first hand experience with many versions of Real Media software, waaay back they were once good. Slowly I've just seen them become more and more useless. RealOne was the final step for me to even blink twice towards RealMedia, that software cause almost as much problems with other media players as Norton does with other virusscanners and firewalls.
Good post, really was. Had a nice "PR Lecture" feel to it, but went against most everything I've experienced first hand.
That excludes the spyware part, I actually never heard about it, or even thought it. That was more of news, and a valid argument to me.
You bore me.... next.