I completely understand that the mustang was rated at 225hp, stock, no mods. Do you understand that that is a FLYWHEEL rating, and that cars lose hp thru the drivetrain? A BONE STOCK pre-99 Mustang GT will put down in the neighborhood of 190 RWHP.
RWHP = rear wheel horsepower. In other words, the actual power that is put to the ground, moving the car forward, after drivetrain loss.
And 89transam, if you believe everything that is advertised, I feel very sorry for you.
Many companies advertise superchargers for my LT1 that are 100% safe and reliable at 8# of boost with no engine modifications whatsoever. Sorry but this is just not true. Do some more research besides believing everything that a website trying to get your money tells you.
Dont get me wrong guys....I like Cobras, and the Cobra is basically a Mustang, so I guess I have to like them by assocation.

I just dont believe in feeding people false information
:shrug: but whatever, I guess....