Originally posted by quadro2000
So last night was the episode with Michael J. Fox. I have to be honest...I found it depressing and didn't think it was a very good episode.
Let me say, though, that Michael J. Fox is one of my favorite actors of all time. He's why I wanted to become an actor. His demeanor and comedic timing were top-notch on "Family Ties." I was heartbroken when I heard that he had Parkinson's. He's always been one of my heroes, and of course, he's now even more of a hero because of his work in finding a cure for the disease.
I saw him on Charlie Rose a year or so ago, and he wasn't doing very well - the tremors were really taking over his body. He obviously is doing better, as his performance on Scrubs was much more contained..but:
a) I didn't think the character was very funny; I fear he's lost a lot of his comic timing.
b) He talked very, very fast, and I frequently had to rewind to understand what he was saying.
c) He looks really old; it's easy to tell that this ordeal has taken its toll.
There were some funny moments in the show, but I wound up just sitting there feeling really sad. It's nice to see him on television again, but it's depressing when you have to watch the ones that you loved become shadows of their former selves.
I still give the show big props for being the funniest show on television. This show was just a little bittersweet for me, I guess.
Wow, I had a totally different reaction to the show. I too love MJF, he's a great actor and after reading his book I have a huge respect for the man.
I think having his character suffer from OCD was a great match, I found the character to be quite entertaining. I also thought that his timing was still bang on. He did talk pretty fast, but I didn't have any trouble understanding him. And as for his age, meh, I don't think he looks a day over 43.
I think it's great that he came back to tv. It shows that he's fighting Parkinson's and he's not willing to just give up. He's done so much for the Parkinson's community and has been a great spokesman for them. It's sad that this has happened to him and everyone else affected by it, but I was proud of him (for lack of a better word) for getting out there and doing this show. Huge props to MJF, he's a fighter and in my opinion still a great actor.