I always find that discreetly placing open containers of mayonnaise in household ventilation systems works like a charm.
Seriously though, how bad is "the word" getting around the chemistry department? If he tells people you're a "dumb motherfucker", do they realise that he's just a frustrated, pedantic shitsack and ignore him, or do they take his word for it and start treating you badly because of his influence? If it's the former, don't sweat it... people can see through his bullshit and it'll blow over. However, if it's the latter, don't just let it spread. Make your side known. I'm not talking just behind his back, because that would make you just like him, but if he drills you in front of other students, you have the right to calmly state your points as a retort. Then, if he blows up, people will see that it's him that's the "dumb motherfucker". A good answer when you're too tired or couldn't be bothered to give a shit is the classic "Big Lebowski" quote: "Well, you know, that's just like ahhh... you're opinion, man." Big conversation ender in any book.
If all of this fails, then I suppose you really should take this to the Dean. Do not suffer an asshole to live.
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.