If you know how to search for music using something like Altavista
Then you are also smart enough to figure out links between Groups...
For Example
Queen is Linked to David Bowie because of the fact that they did the song "Under Pressure" together. I won't bring up the fact that "Under Pressure" can be linked to Vanilla Ice -that's just tacky.
But honestly
GO AHEAD AND BE TACKY... Just because your fellow TFP'ers might not like a song or a group is not a reason to stand proud and post it.
Anyways: Here are some rules:
MP3's only (RAM audio is great but nobody but me uses it so it's out)
No songs over 10 minutes PLEASE
This is a NONSENSE FORUM GAME which means that Nonsense logic rules apply.
John Lennon
may be followed by
John Cougar Meloncamp
Print the name of the Artist and the Song before you post
Insert a hyperlink to the song's location Only
If you MUST insert a snippet -then the snippet must be at least 30 seconds long.
7) Have Fun!
NOTE on Legality...
This is not asking anyone to upload music to their own website on their own as this would be illegal. This is merely posting a link to someone else's website -such as
Amazon where free samples of music are available or websites like
RockMoonity that have permission to post songs.