Wow, that's pretty wild.
I'm a pretty religious guy, that was raised in a very conservative family, and I have a lot of trouble seeing any problem what-so-ever with what that woman did.
The part that really got me was couples complaining that she was "hurting their relationships." The only way she would be having any bearing on a couple (good or bad) is if they were participating in her parties. Bottom line, if you don't like it, don't buy a damn dildo.
I guess this is just another example of why I believe in live and let live. I mean, who's business is it if a couple decides to enhance their sex life? Or if (*sarcasasm* God forbid) a single woman decides to take matters into her own hands and buy a vibrator?
I realize that this may cause some "severe blushing" with Sister Bertha Better-than-you in the Amen section, but it's by no means something that should be illegal.
it's all about self-indulgence