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Old 02-11-2004, 09:58 AM   #17 (permalink)
SecretMethod70's Avatar
Location: Chicago
What reasonable person would have imagined when the journals were created that since we didn't explicitly say so - even though the rule stands EVERYWHERE else on the site - people would assume the journals were an area where they could bash who- or what-ever they wanted, calling them names and accusing them of unscrupulous things, all because we failed to specifically mention that journals were included in all other site-wide policy? Some things I'll never understand.

To expound on MrSelfDestruct's explanation of "bashing," let me just add that there is a right way and a wrong way to do everything.

There is a right way to stay in touch with friends who may have departed TFP and a wrong way. Using TFP to actively recruit members in an inconspicuous manner to a new site which centers around bashing TFP and those who work hard to run it is the wrong way.

There is a right way and a wrong way to question TFP policy and actions. Making a journal entry full of one-sided accusations of devious behavior is the wrong way.

If you have a problem with something on the site, PM Hal or any of the other mods/supermods/admins. We're here to help you. That doesn't mean you'll always like everything we do or our reasons for doing it, and that doesn't mean we'll necessarily always do the best job of communicating our intentions to you - we're only human too - but that does mean that we'll try our best.

And if you make a series of journal entries with thinly veiled sarcastic and bitter criticisms of this site and its people, backed up by the same kinds of attitudes in your posts regarding those people that only serve to confirm the names of the people that you're so obviously bashing all along, don't be surprised when you aren't always treated nicely and don't be surprised if you're asked to take your negative attitude elsewhere.

If you've got a problem with a person - be they a regular member or someone on TFP staff - then PM a TFP staff member whom you DON'T have a problem with and try to work it out. And if you can't learn to at least show that member respect explicitly ***AND*** implicitly (you think I believe implicit respect is important too? ) then stop responding to that member until you can do so in a way that doesn't imply your hatred/lack of respect for him or her.

Welcome to the world of people being responsible for their actions, even when they're not technically and exactly what is said to be wrong. Common sense rules all, and transparently obvious, thinly concealed flaming is just as bad as outright flaming.
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"Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling

Last edited by SecretMethod70; 02-11-2004 at 10:03 AM..
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