Originally posted by matthew330
and i respectfully am not buying your line "kids are going to do it anyway so lets make it safe." Why stop at condoms, let's hand out clean needles at school, too.
This is a strawman. Intravenous drug use is ILLEGAL. Sex is NOT, except in circumstances where age is wildly disparate. It is NOT illegal for two 16-year-old kids to engage in sex. Your argument is ludicrous.
Originally posted by matthew330
You may not have a moral issue with adolescents having sex, but I do - and i will make sure my kids understand that. The public school system is the last place that should be undermining that effort. That doesn't mean keeping them in the dark about what sex is. That means keeping them informed about it's implications. Though the pregnancy rates may not have changed much, the rate of teen STD's and condom usage are directly proportional. Both have been rising since the early 80's. It's a PDF file if interested: http://www.projectreality.org/std.pdf .
Well as I open this pdf I'm going to take a stab and say project reality is a morality-based organization. Survey says...wow, I was right. Leaders in abstinence-centered education since 1985? I wonder if they have any reason to present false statistics. Oh, but they cite the CDC! They must not have skewed the results. Example: "Condoms are ineffective in preventing the spread of STDs" From a study at the CDC entitled "Determinants of gonorrhoea infection among STD clinic attenders in Trinidad--II: sexual behavioural factors" from 2002, published in the International Journal of STD & AIDS:
The results indicated that females whose steady partners did not use condoms consistently had an 80% increased likelihood of being infected compared to those who used condoms all the time. Males who did not use condoms consistently with their steady partners had a 40% increased likelihood of gonococcal infection.
And with about 7 seconds of searching I refuted a claim made, apparently, by the CDC. What the hell? Further, I don't buy your argument that the rate of STDs and condom use are proportional. According to the PDF, they have both increased most at the same time. That doesn't indicate a link. It's what's called specious reasoning. By that argument, I could say the downturn in the economy was due to my presence in the work force, since I was working at the same as the economy went downhill.