Originally posted by Paq
I want all women to have the same options and i would prefer to keep knitting needles out of vaginas...I think that will be my new slogan: "No Needles for Vaginas" ...ok, so it's not as catchy as "Keep your Bush out of my bush" (sorry, trying to lighten the mood)
Maybe you should just adapt(or adopt) "No wire hangers EVER!" from
Mommy Dearest.
Having volunteered for Planned Parenthood, having done candlelight vigils in front of my local courthouse regarding the importance of Roe v Wade, having pushed since I was old enough to understand it for a woman's right to choose, I say fuck you to anyone who would try to take that right away. What really chaps my ass is when the same idiots who rail against abortion are staunchly against sex education in the classroom. It's cause and fucking effect, people.