I believe that the statute of limitations on financial transactions of this matter are 6 months (someone correct me if I'm wrong...it's been forever since my college business law courses), which means that they cannot go after you now.
Most likely, it seems that there is no paperwork transaction of you picking up your item. This means
a) they lost the paper that you signed
b) it never went through the system, and is sitting hidden in some file somewhere.
I would most likely go with letter b.
Your course of action really should depend on the cost of the item. How much/what was it? If it's something relatively cheap (say, under $150), then it's unlikely that BestBuy would pursue the matter EVEN IF they found your transaction. However, if it was expensive (like a computer or camcorder), then it's more likely that they'll track you down.
What I would do - ignore it. It's not your fault that they didn't charge you. You really have no liability here.
If you're really scared - call corporate headquarters...NOT the store that you picked it up at. The store has nothing to do with this.
On a separate note, did you all realize that BestBuy loses about $400 on every single laptop computer that they sell? Apparently, laptops cost a lot more than they tell us they do (this comes from a friend of mine that used to be an associate at BestBuy).
"I've made only one mistake in my life. But I made it over and over and over. That was saying 'yes' when I meant 'no'. Forgive me."