Originally posted by Rubyee
Not really, since they sell it on t-shirts. That and it was really, really easy to remember.
They have T-SHIRTS?!?
I so have to get one now, Contra for the NES was fricken awesome! ^_^
Other great old-skool NES games:
Megaman 2-- The Metal Gun was simply the best gun any of the games in the series have ever had, proving the fact that the uglier the color of the new costume the cooler the gun.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game-- which was actually better in the arcades with 4 people, IMO.
Bible adventures-- I don't care what anyone else thinks, the Noah's Ark game was fun. Any game where you get to stun pigs with bales of hay, then balance them on top of your head, scores points in my book.