Originally posted by Cynthetiq
Also with the premium of space, speakers are the last thing that I want taking up valuable real estate in my living room.
That's where you and I differ, Cyn. For me, audio is everything, the rest is just details. Filling a room with sound is not difficult and can be accomplished with a boombox. Filling the room with a well balanced sound requires a little more. Yes, Bose can do this. I just don't find them acoustically pleasing. In my listening, I've found them to be a bit short on bass. Not deafening, sloppy, and boomy "rap-type" bass, but the controlled and tight bass like one would find in jazz, classical, and the like.
Do you have Bose, Cynthetiq? Could you please tell me about your whole system setup? I'm not trying to come off as a dick here, either... just curious.