You all may say you aren't gonna buy this set but it'll still be one of the best selling DVD's of all time.
The insertion of Jabba was poorly done but if pulled off right could've been a great scene, the musical number in Jabba's palace was just nuts. Though it'd be nice to see the Original's again I don't really have a problem with Special Editions enough to make me be an ass and boycott the movies I love so much.
Besides if we're going to be nitpicky about the additional scenes why don't we just get all flustered about how the film no longer will have it's original audio track, been enhanced and reworked now, also, let's throw a shit about how good the image quality is... then let's complain about how the Lak Sivrak got replaced by a better looking alien.
There were rumours around last year that the Special Editions were going to be further enhanced with yet more additional scenes and special effects like Obi-Wans lightsaber looking more correct in ANH and McDiamand playing Palpatine in ESB to replace the other actor in the hologram..