Looking for ATVers
I'm interested in what other states do for ATV trail systems. I live in Vermont where ATV riding is growing VERY fast. The problem is we're such a liberal tree hugger state that we have no real trail system. We pretty much rely on a few land owners willing to open a section of there property for us to ride on.
Do other states allow ATV riders on gov't land? Is liability insurance an issue? Are the ATV clubs gov't run?
I'm trying to get our state reps. to realize the huge amount of revinue ATV trails could bring to our state, but they want info on what othere states do. They want to know how ATV clubs keep "damage" to the environment to a minimum....I personally don't see how ATVs damage the environment any more than the thousands of moose trampling through our woods but......
Any info would be great.
Thanks, Chris