Originally posted by perripken
Sorry, but I disagree. If the Super Bowl was played on a cable station or pay per view and had a parental guidance label on it, then I'd be all for it. I happen to have kids, and they watched half-time. I don't let them watch MTV or VH1 because of the crap that they might see. They both should apologize, and MTV should never be allowed to do a half time show again.
You are completely off in your reading of my post. I did not defend their half time show (although I do think the amount of discussion and "outrage" it generated is ridiculous) and I didn't say they shouldn't have apologized.
They both apologized for the entire week between the Superbowl and the Grammys. Every station read statements from them. Forcing them to apologize yet again for something that they claim (and there is no evidence to the contrary) was accidental is petty and unnecessary.