I've been lifting for about 26 years. Yeah you hit plateaus, lots of them.
Your main problem is you might be caught up in numbers. When I was a younger lifter, I'd just have to have 3 sets of 10, I'd hit a wall and be there for quite a while until, eventually, I could get 3 sets of 10. Being hard-headed can get you through. Just don't quit.
That being said, I have learned better ways to get through. Try 3 or 4 sets of 8 with heavier weights. You can do more or less reps, more or less sets and bust through plateaus.
Taking a short lay off can also help, as mentioned above.
I would not suggest, however, switching your routine every month. This whole confusion principal or muscle shocking will just confuse you and shock you at how pitifully weak you will stay. Stick with the basics and occasionally throw in some assistance work if you want. Changing the order of exersizes until you get the one that works best for you, can help a lot, but it takes a while to come up with, and requires you to keep a diary.......
Of course some of this depends on your goals. My goals are to get stronger and to have longevity to my activities. So far so good.
If you want to be a bodybuilder, why oh why would you wanna?, then maybe seek the help of a bodybuilding coach. Same for powerlifting, you know, the real men.... heh heh
bill hicks - "I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out."