Originally posted by mgcloud
b. many browsers other than ie/netscape, for this very reason, have plugins/options to fake useragents, so the website thinks they are IE/netscape even when they are not. I know this works with server-side browser detection, not too sure about client-side (eg. javascript).
Yup, OmniWeb for OS X does this routinely, both to servers and JavaScript. I know OW isn't the only one that does, either. But, so long as BoCo realizes that he's just doing this for his own amusement, there's no harm in fiddling with navigator.appName or some (more valid) trick he finds on the Web.
It's not like any browser I use will care one way or the other.
(Please note that I am too tired and indifferent to see whether navigator.appName is actually the right property. I was always more of a server-side guy anyhow
