Last year my mom had just found out she had cancer for the second time and her/our dog got sick from some flea medicine she gave him. I was the only one who could do it, and I had promised to be there the entire time. That was some of the longest minutes of my life. I can't think of another time in my life where I had so many emotions. I've never felt so guilty or had so much remorse for any action in my life, nor have I cried so hard afterward. I grieved for both the dog and my devastated parents. I have no idea how vets can watch people lose their loved ones and keep themselves distanced from the pain. I gained a new respect for anyone that is in that situation. As I look back on the vets, I can't help but think that has to be some of the longest minutes of their lives to.
As I reread this, I realize how sad this still makes me when I reflect on it, and how depressing the above is... I guess all that needs to be said is gilada, I feel ya dude..