I just put my wife's dog to sleep...
I'm getting fucking hammered.
My wife got a dog when she was younger, but had to leave it with her parents when she went to college...
They grew attached and kept him, a Sharpei. Sweetiest baby... Bevo.
My wife's mother died in December, and the dog has never been the same. My father in law went out of town and my wife stepsister, who lives with her stepfather (my father in law) called us and said Bevo couldn't stand up any more. We took him to the emergency vet overnight.
Today we took him to the animal hospital. After doing some tests, they discovered he had a tumor growing off one of his vertibrae, basically destroying it. There was nothing we could do.
I was there when he went to sleep, and christ, if that doesn't kill you a little on the inside, I don't know what does. The poor boy though we were going to take him home...
I've going to get totally shit-faced now.
Hey, this isn't rocket surgery.
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