Thread: Lucid dreaming
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Old 02-09-2004, 01:19 PM   #30 (permalink)
Location: Under your mama's bed.
For those who are interested in Astral Projection or Out of body experiences or OOBEs :
Anyway, Xim said that u shouldn't smoke weed for at least a couple of days...first of all, let's b serious, no serious pothead could do that and besides that, weed can really get you out of your body. Here's what happened to me.

It was monday morning (really early in the morning, like 5 or something) and i was on the bus. I was going snowboarding with a friend of mine. Before we left, we had a really nice and phat joint, skunk of course...anyway, the thing is that we were both really stoned, dozed and tired cause we hadn't had much sleep and on top of it, we had that amazing joint. The bus left, my friend fell asleep but i couldn't actually sleep, i was really relaxed, but couldn't sleep. so i was just sitting there, with my eyes closed, and my mind was flying,thinking all sorts of stuff before i knew it, i started getting this weird feeling, like vibrating, starting off of my legs, going up to my arms and torso. It wasn't like i was having a tantrum, it was more like an electric shock, painless of course. After a while it stopped and i thought i should get up for a bit cause it felt weird.when i did, i felt weightless and really, really feather-like. i turned around and saw my friend sleeping, and turned my head the other way and saw my body sleeping too. I freaked out and snapped back. After 5 minutes, i did the same thing and i "flew" (or something similar) 5 rows ahead, and overheard a conversation 2 guys were having. They were speaking really softly, so it'd be impossible for me to listen to them from were i was actually sitting. They were talking about that girl that had dumped one of them and he was upset. after i flew around a bit, i decided i wanted to get back into my body and wake up. And so i did...when we got there, i walked up to where the two guys were sitting, and i asked them if they were talking about the girl. They said yes...i freaked out man.
And the other day, me and my girlfriend were chilling at a friend's house, smoking up...we've had like a couple of joints and we were watching tv. I was bored to watch tv, so i tried to have an OOBE. I relaxed, with my eyes open, i was watching tv, but not actually watching...i was more like looking at the screen, i was thinking millions of other stuff, but my body was dead relaxed. I couldn't feel any limbs, parts or anything. After a while, my hearing went out, i closed my eyes and within a *click*,there i was sitting on my body, watching everything, and kinda floating, i got up and stood in front of my girlfriend, my friend and my self. I was watching all 3 of was amazing, after that she woke me up, cause she said i was being lame sleeping (...sighs....). Anyway, the thing is, that the key to OOBE is to put your body to sleep, but keep your mind awake. Try to keep thinking of stuff, all sorts of stuff, anything, but be relaxed. And don't let the vibrations freak you out.
You CAN smoke up and have both lucid dreams, and OOBEs. Just don't let your self go to sleep.

Last edited by Fullzero; 02-09-2004 at 01:24 PM..
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