Originally posted by KazronVZ
First of all, "these days" are today, and i'm in school right now, and i Am encountering homeschooled students like those. Maybe im just meeting all the wrong people.
And like i said, it may not seem like the school environment is a better surrounding for education, but a person gets educated on so many different levels. At least you've learned to cope with social pressure, and dealt with changing your personality and learned how to make friends. You went through public schooling your whole life and turned out just fine, how can it be such a bad thing?
yeah I came out a-ok eventually, but it was a long road to get there.... I'm almost 36, I've been out of school for almost 20 years, public school today is not what it was 23 years ago when I was 13. Who says that just because my daughter isnt in public school that she does not have social pressure? With her activities in the home school association, church, ballet lessons and music lessons, I would be willing to bet that she comes in just as much contact with "learning" how to deal with social and peer pressures and the next kid, my one assurance is that she's getting an excellent education and her testing scores prove it. She is just as smart as I was at that age and I was going to be damned if she was going to be put in the same "so called" gifted classes I was, which were nothing more than "busy work" classes to keep us occupied and out of troubl. Of course I can only speak for my child and how I approach homeschooling, but I do know that I'm not the only one that makes sure she has a well rounded social life, many other mothers/fathers/grandparents do just the same things I do.