Originally posted by Lasereth
Biased towards NVIDIA? Where'd you get that opinion?
If you want the best mobo, then I'd get the ones I suggested. There are other MUCH cheaper motherboards out there, but I simply believe that all of them are inferior to the ones I listed.
If you're talking about nForce 2 chipsets, then yes, both of the AMD boards I suggested have it. I'm not recommending them because of that chipset, though -- I'm simply giving knowledge that I've read through a ton of reviews and personal experiences. The mobo manufacturer is much more important than the chipset.
Calm down Lasereth.
I'm just joking around based on your constant recomendation of boards containing an NVidia chipset
I still like VIA chipsets and am not as big a fan of ABIT as you, so i sugggested other options.
No hard feelings