Originally posted by Confederate
But I understand, but if you are really comfortable with a woman you should be able to let one go around her, it's biology you can't help it
I totally agree with that...but NOT while your "messing around with a chick". I let my ass do the talking all the time around my girl, but never while eating, she is eating, I'm cooking, I'm "making out" with her, or anything sexual. That is just nasty. And I'm a pretty sick fuck...but farting during sex!?!?! Thats just gross. I can understand if one slips out...but if at all possible, I believe you should hold it until you are done.
I would like to add that there have been a few times when I have said "OH JUST LET IT OUT" before, but I quickly came to my senses, held it in, and then stepped out of the room and let my mud whistle let out its rank breath.