Originally posted by nanofever
Gitmo bay only has two logical purposes as I see it. (I don't see a false dilemma but if you do feel free to bring it up)
1: A detention center for people we don't want to release back to their country.
2: A place where we interrogate people for a period of time and then release them when we have tapped-out their information.
If we are detaining people for reason XYZ, I would be shocked if we were not trying to get information out of them before we send them back to their country.
I don't think there is any argument on those two points.
Bush wanted a way and a place to detain people who could be involved in another 9/11 type attack without having to bother with the Geneva convention.
So part of me that likes to see "due process" is bothered, but the other part of me that doesn't like planes blowing up buildings is not.