Originally posted by soccerchamp76
I personally love Quiznos, especially the Mesquite Chicken with Bacon......damn its good.
But Tritium is hitting the nail on the head: Jingles are made with simple noets so you remember them and they "get stuck in your head." This is what they want. Quiznos used these annoying rats in a commercial and now everyone is talking about them...good for Quiznos. The more people talk about the ad, the more people will be interested in the ad or Quiznos itself.
I think the ad execs will call this one a success
yep, and just look at it... people post in these threads on the internet, and people who like quiznos will mention appetizing sandwiches. therefore, if people are hungry and near a quizno's, they'll remember it, and they will want to try it. quizno's wins.