I think we've become extremely jaded to what is real/unreal with around the clock and on the spot news coverage, reality TV, and the internet.
Here we have a powerful and moving moment....but it is in an arena full of people, on TV, and plugged on the internet by the NBA. You half-expect there to be some sort of voiceover that plugs the NBA as kinder and gentler. Somehow the exposure of the moment takes away from it.
I think we have reached a point where, unless it is a personal moment, a certain cynicism and skepticism keeps us from relating in a way we once would have. We are losing the ability to share in other people's moments because we keep expecting "and now I'm going to Disney", a mad dash to trademark an improtu phrase like "Let's Roll", or the inevitable mugshot of the principal on The Smoking Gun.
Nice clip. Sad state of affairs.