I can understand why you would consider the "dark" spirits to be demons- Spirits never intentially harm you, but can. That is why some think of them as "demons". That's where we create "evil" and "satanic", "good" and "bad".
I have felt dark spirits around me, and the thing is not to be afraid of them. I have taken the patience to help them see that they need to follow the light. Once I have done that, whether it take one night or one year, I can feel their spirit has been released and are no longer visiting me.
What I am trying to say is that what seem like "demons" come across as intentionally haunting, targeting to hurt, etc. but that they are full of anger and frustration, mainly trapped in a void space in which they have given up or confused at not being able to leave that void space- being trapped in the middle of the physical life and the after life. The Soul didn't quite make it to the other side, and they are merely trying to find a way out, but what they are seeing is the physical life- their previous life that they were in and wondering why they aren't there and how to get back there, and also why other people are where they should be. That turns into frustration and even anger. We merely have to "face the demons", so to speak, and guide them to the other side, so that their soul can be replenished and move on.
That may just be my view, but being angry or afraid of these spirits won't help them at all. They are just lost, looking for their home.