The war against Iraq, while I don't agree with it, does have a humaniterian justification. Also, there is no doubt that Iraq had the will to try and build weapons that under UN law, it was not allowed (the same weapons of course that the France, UK, Russia and US and so on own and threaten other countries with.)
The war happened, and what we now need to concentrate on is handing power and control of the Iraqi economy and society as quickly as possible back to Iraqi people.
But the fact remains, Blair lied. I do not believe in any thread has it been shown that Blair did not lie - we know that Blair is a liar, we know two of the lies which he has told.
1 - That he had no part in the naming of Dr Kelly. This is a lie. We know that Blair chaired two committee's where the strategy of naming Kelly to discredit him.
2 - The 45 minutes claim. Blair knew the intelligence was bad, so many people are coming out now and saying they told Blair it was bad, that the 45 minutes claim was just not true. Blair also claims that he did not know the claim actually only refered to battlefield weapons (which is still not true)... how could he not have known this? Everyone else involved knew, can we believe Blair did not?
Whether Blair was right or wrong, that we can debate - that he lied, that we know is true, and that is why he must go.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas