If I'm a restauranteur, the second least desireable image I'd want to present to my customers are rats, especially when they're this ugly. (The least being cockroaches.) Someone in Quizno's marketing should be flogged at the next shareholder's meeting over this. If I were a franchisee, I'd seriously consider litigation or going independent.
This ranks right up there among the most stupid marketing gimmicks ever. Definitely in the league with the Chilito (Taco Bell, early 90s, "chili burrito" named using Spanish term for "little penis"), Unleash the Beast (Milwaukee's Best

beer, mid 90s, "the beast" refers to what the stuff does to your digestive tract), and the Wingmaster (KFC, current, "wingmaster" is someone who earns "red wings" twice voluntarily or thrice while intoxicated), and Pepsi's Chinese slogan which properly translated to "brings your Ancestors back to life."