I guess my problem, not with these rule especially, but with the whole concept - is I really dont want to view dating as a game, or a contest; and I don't want to make someone like me through elaborate mind games we play against other. I don't want to go round around grading every girls breasts and legs and compunding a score out of 10 before I decide whether I should approach her or not.
I find the whole concept, where men chase, and women make them chase, to somehow reclaim the power which is lost in a patriarchal society - to me is a little uncomfortable.
I mean, these rules or tactics might well work, and I certainly am not going to come in here and try and tell anyone I know better, because I've been single a while now, so obviously whatever I am doing isnt working...
I just wish it didnt have to be this way, and I have to say I hope and believe it doesnt.
And whether it makes me less manly, I dont know, but to what thedoot said - I don't really want to get laid in the sense of it being my priority, I mean, I wouldnt mind - but it isnt what I really want. I want companionship, and understanding, and partnership and just having someone I can chill with, and feel like Im allright with. Sex is good too, but it isnt everything, or even the most important thing.
If all these rules offer is casual sex with girls who are prettier than you... I guess to be truthful maybe I would like it, but then I would probably feel dissapointed after. If people, male and female people, played less games with each other, I think it would be better.
And likening casual sex to a lion hunting its prey, is to me personally, possibly indicative of an attitude to matters of the heart that I would feel is rather strange. I mean, if all I wanted was to fuck someone, I could go get a hooker, a nice one, and for £60/$100 I'd get all of THAT, without any of the heart ache and fear of rejection...
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas