Originally posted by :::OshnSoul:::
Well, first of all, there are no "demons". There are only spirits- one who are content, who wish to help and guide you, and ones who haven't made it to the other side yet
I'm sorry but I have to completely disagree with you. I have had much contact with the world of spirits. There are 3 forces really. These forces can be broken down into different sub categories.
The first is the angelic form.. these are good spirits.. whether or not they had a physical body (much like we have) is hard to tell, but I've never known it.
The other kind is the opposite.. Demons. They may not be inherently evil, but this is definately how they act. Again I am unsure if they ever lived a lifetime in a physical body.
Then there is the spririt. Spirits are people like us. We die and go on from our human/animal bodies. We either pass happily or grumpilly. And then there are the times when someone dies but isn't really away of it, they're the nuetral spirits. Of course there happens to be some that die, but won't accept it, and are assholes to the rest of us. but again these are all under the category that fits us as we live, die.... but our spirits move on for something greater.
If there are spirits that want to you help, you. then there are spirits that want to "help" you.. which would fall under that demon category. I have witnessed many things spiritually in my lifetime that I doubt few ever will. Some things are so much.. that even I want to doubt myself. I'm not telling you to believe me when I say that demons exist.. but from my experiences, they most definately do.
I still think for the purposes of debate... and talking in general its a lot better to not tell someone that they are wrong, but to tell them that you think it actually is something else. It leads to more debate and less arguement/hate. Just my 2 cents on the matter.